Churn Project

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The idea of this project is simple, detect bank fraud, to do this I am using a dataset called "Bank Account Fraud Dataset Suite (NeurIPS 2022)".

In the beginning of this project I chose to go with an autoencoder this is because of my hardware limitation using an AMD GPU and the need to use Tensorflow-directML.

Left Image

Using the graph from the data below it seems to indicate that higher the social score higher retention of customer

This brings up many questions such as:

  • Low Engagement results in high churn, low social score indicates a higher chance at churning, less engaged with the service? service issues?

  • Social influence appears to matter in terms of churn.


  • Target Low-score - Personalized offers?

  • Leverage the High scorers - REWARD them for loyalty, offers only attainable through loyalty, more referrals mor rewards.

IBM Telco Customer Churn dataset (modified) #1


Original Dataset license

JB Link Telco Customer Churn


Joao Bandeira, Jack Chang